Case Studies

Project management & electrical design for Inch Cape offshore wind farm

15 February 2018

Vekta Group was pleased to be working with Red Rock Power on the design and development of the 700MW Inch Cape offshore wind farm.  The primary scope of work for Vekta Group was grid and electrical but Associate Consultants now with Vekta Group provided project management and and cost modelling support over the last two years of development.

Scope of work included grid, electrical and project management activities.

Grid and electrical scope included:

  • OFTO package management and responsibility for project electrical design
  • onshore and offshore cable design and selection
  • preparation of Employers Requirements for supply and installation of onshore and offshore cables
  • management of the grid connection contracts
  • levelised cost of energy assessments to assist in the sizing and selection of cables
  • negotiation of onshore and offshore supply and installation contracts
  • onshore substation consent and local stakeholder management
  • preparation of Employers Requirements for OFTO works packages
  • negotiation and management of all tier 1 project contracts.

Project management activities included:

  • provided project manager role for two years
  • oversight and management of large project team
  • development and management of the project management procedures
  • development of the project risk management and change control processes.

Inch Cape is in detailed design stage and progressing towards FID against the backdrop of a very challenging post CfD3 environment.  Vekta Group’s work was led by Charles Balderston with now Associate Consultant Ian Johnson supporting the other areas.